I am the bigger person.
I have the upper hand.
I oversee these insignificant events.
I know for a fact that what you are trying to pull off is impossible and pointless considering this frame of action and thought. I have to tell you that I’m highly disappointed.
I don’t lack direction or guidance. Even if I did, I wouldn’t turn to you.
And if you should take a decision, follow it till the end and act accordingly.
Don’t even think that you are protecting me. You’ll only do this to protect yourself.
How could you say such things? That you belong to someone, that you are willing to give your life to someone, that you would sacrifice, compromise, adapt and submit?
How could all the things in the world mean one person and one person only?
How could someone be all that?
Out of all the annoying people in the world, find the least annoying and try to co-exist…..
Or not!
Find someone worthy of your time, who will not consume your energy and who’s straight to the point…….
Or not!
ah yana yamma!